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Surrender = Freedom

by Autumn True freedom only comes when we fully surrender to Jesus. We must give up control, I know easier said than done, but with the Holy Spirit it can be done. To give up control we must trust. Trust is a when you have a firm belief in someone or something.You have complete confidence in what you trust. To trust you must know and understand in what you trust in. To trust the Lord, you need to know him. To know Him you must spend time with Him…. in prayer, in His word, in worship, in fellowship with other believers. Think of someone you trust...Why do you trust that person? Do you have a personal relationship with them? Maybe they are always there for you… know them, you call them in times of trouble or to celebrate times of joy with them. You can count on them. To fully know Jesus we must understand what He did for us. Seek Him…. Psalms 9:10 says “Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you” Jesus paid the ultimate price f

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